Advertising Opportunities
Classifieds – Jobs – Resumes
Online Classified Ads
Submit a classified ad or job post online by clicking here. For questions on how to post an online Classified ad, Job listing or Resume – email our Communications Coordinator or call one of the numbers at the bottom of this web page.
$50.00 for first 50 words including headline;
$1.00 per word for additional word thereafter; plus current GRT. Web ads run for 30 days.
Are you a Not-For-Profit Organization?
Banner Advertising on Electronic Newsletter
Display advertising space is offered in the ePlus electronic publication sent to our membership twice each month. Get your message out to a distinctive audience at attractive prices. Contact the Society with your ad today. Banner connects to the advertiser’s website. Advertiser supplies image and URL ready for upload.
for 4 consecutive editions of ePlus (2 months)
for 12 consecutive editions of ePlus (6 months)
for 24 consecutive editions of ePlus (12 months)
Conditions for Advertising
Advertisements for any continuing professional education program may not be accepted. Advertiser assumes liability for the content of its ads. New Mexico Society of CPAs reserves the right to refuse advertising deemed unsuitable for its website.